
What to Say to Someone With a Drinking Problem

What to Say to Someone With a Drinking Problem

letter to an alcoholic friend

When you speak to your friend, it is important to be prepared with information about treatment options. This way, if they express openness to getting help, you can immediately guide drug addiction treatment them toward resources that will be beneficial. Researching rehab centres like Recovery Lighthouse and having brochures, websites or contact details on hand can make the decision feel less overwhelming for your friend. Above all, do learn all you can about alcoholism and your role in relation to me. Attend Al-Anon meetings regularly, read the literature and keep in touch with Al-Anon members. They're the people who can help you see the whole situation clearly.

Share Your Love

Choose a quiet moment in a private setting with few distractions, such as at home or on a walk. I am the only person who is there every step of the way for me, who experiences all I have to live through, who understands what it is to feel like me and be like me. I am the only person who can choose what I do, how I respond and where my life goes. I am the only one who can change my own mind, my thinking and my attitude. And if I let myself, I can be the one who can light my dark days with the sun. Alcoholism, my illness, gets worse as my drinking continues.

letter to an alcoholic friend

How to Talk About Addiction

letter to an alcoholic friend

Maybe there are days when you wonder why you're' going through with treatment. You can use the letter as an opportunity to offer support. Talk about doing something together like going for a vacation or taking up a hobby. They feel that their loved ones will not understand why they haven't been able to 'get sober.' You may be feeling anxious as well. Maybe the last time you spoke to your loved one, you said a lot of negative stuff.

#8. The Ultimatum Approach

Reach out for support, whether it’s through counseling, therapy, or a support group. Let us work together to rebuild our family and create a loving, secure, and stable environment for our children. Our children, Child 1’s Name and Child 2’s Name, have been exposed to the consequences of your addiction.

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  • I sometimes believe we could have back what we had in the early days.
  • However, simply telling them you’re worried about their alcohol consumption may not produce real change.
  • I’ve seen the efforts you’ve put into your journey towards sobriety, and I want to acknowledge and commend you for them.
  • Being honest with each other is a great way to improve your relationship and set the stage for a helpful talk about getting help.
  • Don't cover up for me or try in any way to spare me the consequences of my drinking.
  • You can express your concerns, fears, and hopes without the pressure of an immediate response.
  • With the guidance of a professional, you will never have the opportunity to address your loved one in the way you will at the intervention with the letters.

If your friend is in a bind – whether they need money for rent or a place to stay – it is only natural to want to step in and help. But giving them money can enable them to buy alcohol they couldn’t otherwise afford, while offering your home as a safety net can prevent them from seeing the true extent of the issue. If you are part of a close-knit group, consider teaming up to talk to your friend together. This approach can relieve you of some of the burden and show your alcoholic friend that everyone in the group is worried about them. Before diving into the conversation, it can be helpful to chat with goodbye alcohol letter mutual friends and ask if they have also noticed any problems with your friend’s drinking. This can give you a better sense of how long the issue has been going on and how serious it might be.

letter to an alcoholic friend

Over the past months and years, I’ve watched with growing worry as alcohol has taken an increasingly prominent role in your life. It pains me to see you struggle with this addiction, and I am genuinely concerned about the toll it is taking on both your physical and mental health. I hope this letter finds you in a moment of clarity and peace, as I write to you with a heavy heart filled with concern for your well-being. I want you to know that my words come from a place of love, deep concern, and a fervent desire for your health and happiness. I want to begin by saying that I am here for you, unwavering in my support for your recovery journey. No matter what lies ahead, I am by your side, ready to face the challenges and celebrate the triumphs with you.

  • That year was when I started hanging out with you more often – I’d see you more often than any of my other friends would and we spent longer together, me and you in our relaxing bubble.
  • It’s excessive ethyl alcohol chemicals that changes the brain’s cell-to-cell communication system and causes drinking behaviors (explained below).
  • I was called to a prominent university hospital to facilitate an intervention at a woman’s bedside.
  • Please know that I am here to support you in any way I can.
  • It's hard to be a friend to someone who seems to choose alcohol or other drugs above all else, but if you have a friend in this situation, she or he probably needs your help more than ever.
  • I know what you're probably thinking, "It's not as bad as it seems. I'm only like that sometimes." which is not the case.

The intervention team should send copies of their letters to the counselor. In this way, the documented facts will continue to play an important role in the recovery process. Sometimes the alcoholic will want to continue the conversation. It is important that the team stick with their game plan, and have only one person answer the objections to treatment (as noted in the previous article). Often, https://ecosoberhouse.com/ the silence and self-control of the group will have a confounding effect on the alcoholic. If you’re holding an intervention for a loved one, it’s important to have treatment options lined up before you meet with them for the intervention.

Connect Your Loved One with Addiction Treatment

Immediately you reassured me that I could cope – and I instantly felt better. You got me into your protective bubble and I stopped worrying and felt calm and soothed. Pinnacle Health Group is available 24/7 to discuss your treatment options. Their representatives will discuss whether their facility may be an option for you. I love you, and I believe in your ability to conquer this battle. After the game, you ran up to me, hugged me, and said, “We won, Dad!

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